OFB foam 1 is a low expansion foam which expands 30-40 to 1, specificially designed to run through CAFS (compressed air foam) systems, and inductor systems. The foam bubble structure is medium density.
Wide range of uses
Mining industry – in Australia it is used as a training foam through their inductor systems. They fill the training rooms with foam and the trainees navigate through the foam wearing their BA gear.
The foam is also highly effective on coal fires – as deep seated penetration is needed. It can also be used as a general purpose foam for structural fires , car fires, petrochemical fires, wild-land fires.
This foam attacks the radiant heat.
This foam is also effective on aluminium and magnesium fires, car fires, and is very effective on a, b, c and d class fires.
LASTFIRE certification was obtained at the melbourne university of technology, victoria. Tests were called by the petrochemical industry to find a replacement foam for the afff foams. There were 27 different companies testing their foams at the ballarat fiscal fire training college, for last fire certification. Out of 27 companies, OFB foam 1 gained the highest pass rating.
The foam has been used extensively in the mining industry, petro-chemical industry and the military in Australia, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel, the USA and Malaysia.
Ofb foam 1 is totally biodegradable, non-toxic and has no pfas or pfos present. This foam has been supplied to the hunter valley mining industry for 23 years. It has recently passed epa requirements for use in NSW.
Minimum to no clean-up and is safe for storm water systems.